I have always been a water snob. My family loves telling the story of when I was little, thirsty, on vacation in Vermont. I was told I could get water in the kitchen, but there weren't any bottles in the refrigerator, and I was mortified when it was suggested I drink from the sink. I have also been very particular about my bottled water, and filtered systems have never tasted good to me. I was nervous about purchasing the Sans water purifier because it is not inexpensive, and I'm difficult to please. I am IN LOVE with it! I use it for everything now...I filled our large Brita dispenser in the refrigerator with Sans purified water (to keep it cool and have a larger quantity available). I started making coffee with this water and am filling up the animal's water bowl and fountains with it, too. I'm looking forward to the automatic replacement filter delivery, too! 10/5 stars. Get one! And while you're at it, bundle and get the air purifier too! I also love that and haven't taken any allergy medication since we started using it.